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The North West End of Life Care Model




The story of a patient’s health from diagnosis of a life-limiting illness can be seen with this model. The model comprises five phases as described below with some examples of practice highlighted.

1. Advancing disease – timeframe: 1 year or more.

Example of practice required -the person is placed on a supportive care register in General Practitioner (GP) practice/care home. The person is discussed at monthly multidisciplinary practice/care home meetings.

2. Increasing decline – timeframe: 6 months [approximate].

Example of practice required -DS1500 eligibility review of benefits, Preferred Priorities for Care (PPC) noted, Advance Care Plan (ACP) in place and trigger for continuing healthcare funding assessment



3. Last days of life – timeframe: last few days.
Examples of practice required - primary care team/care home inform community and out of hours services about the person who should be seen by a doctor. End of life drugs prescribed and obtained, and Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) implemented.

4. First days after death – timeframe: first few days.

Examples of practice required include prompt verification and certification of death, relatives being given information on what to do after a death (including D49 leaflet), how to register the death and how to contact funeral directors

5. Bereavement – timeframe: 1 year or more.

Examples of practice required include access to appropriate support and bereavement services if required.

End of Life Care
Downloads   End of Life Care Strategy:PDF 
Downloads   Best Interests at end of life:PDF
Downloads   Advance Care Planning:PDF
Downloads   Preferred Priorities for CarePDF
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