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Changes in bowel function


Because your gut is now not working properly, you may notice changes in your bowel habit.

Constipation is a very common problem and can cause distressing symptoms like abdominal pain and bloating.  It is often aggravated by pain killing medication.  Constipation can also make you feel sick.  You may be given laxatives, suppositories or enemas to relieve constipation. If you are at home your district nurse will help with this part of your care.  If you are in a hospice, hospital or nursing home the staff will help you.


You may also notice difficulty controlling your bowels.  This is because the muscles that hold everything in have become too weak.  If this happens to you, your district nurse will help your carers manage this problem so that you can be clean and comfortable.

As you eat less, the amount of faeces you produce reduces so losing control of your bowels can be less of a problem than you may fear


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