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Support for children and teenagers with cancer

Here are a collection of resources and websites which are developed to provide support and information for children and teenagers who have cancer. 



CLICSargent is the UK's leading children's cancer charity and offers support and information for children and young people with cancer and their families.  Their website includes an online communitymessage boards and lots of information about childhood cancer.


The Teenage Cancer Trust

The Teenage Cancer Trust website hosts a support network which focuses on the needs of teenagers and young adults with cancer.


Marie Curie Cancer Care

Marie Cureis Cancer Care provides in-patient, out patient and home care to adults in the UK but can help children and teenagers if they need bereavement care or counselling.

End of Life Care
Downloads   End of Life Care Strategy:PDF 
Downloads   Best Interests at end of life:PDF
Downloads   Advance Care Planning:PDF
Downloads   Preferred Priorities for CarePDF
Take a look in our library for a wide selection of documents and resources.